General Interdisciplinary Repositories
- datadryad
- data is plural Sign up for the weekly newsletter * here
- figshare Scroll to the bottom to search
- harvard dataverse
- mendeley data
- open science framework
- opportunity insights
- NYC Open Data
- CapStat – Lawsuits against police
- NYPL Labs Menus
- NYPL Digital Collections
- Citibike Ridership Data
- NYC Taxis
- streeteasy
Covid & Health
- Covid Tracing from The Atlantic
- National Insitute of Health
- NYTimes Data
- World Health Organization
Race & Policing
- Center for Racism, Social Justice & Health from UCLA
- DiversityData from Brandeis
- Stanford Open Policing
- Urban Institute
Social Sciences
- Census data – American Fact Finder
- Census Data – Historic (NHGIS)*
- Census data – citysdk
- World Bank data catalog
- Campaign Finance Data
- H1B
- psychometrics data
- gun violence
Books, Culture & Humanities
- Project Gutenberg
- Library of Congress
- Association of Religion Data Archives
- National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture
Blogs & Websites
- Visualizing Data
- Flowingdata
- Periscopic
- Accurat
- Moritz Stefaner
- Nocholas Felton
- Infosthetics
- Visualcomplexity
- The Economist – Graphic Detail
- New York Times – The Upshot
- Visualoop
- FiveThirtyEight
- Huffington Post
- LA Times
- Wall Street Journal
- Washington Post
- Quartz
- New York Times – Interactive Storytelling
- Fathom
- Data Canvas
- Waze Global Driver Satisfaction Index
- Lapham’s Quaterly Maps
- Lapham’s Quaterly Charts and Graphs
- Territory
- Quartz Atlas Charts
- Sensory Maps
- Library of Congress – Maps
- The National Geologic Map Database